Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions


By paying a deposit towards a course with Piano Tuner Academy you are agreeing to our terms and conditions. Please be aware that any deposit is non refundable.

Once any deposit is paid to secure a course place, if the remaining course fee is not paid by the due date given you will risk losing your booked place and the deposit paid will not be refunded.

The enrolment of the student is accepted on the basis that the student commences the course start date confirmed via email.

If a student fails to attend the confirmed course for any reason, the academy is not liable to refund any fees already paid.

The academy is not entitled to add extra days due to learner absentees, bank holidays or any unforeseen circumstances.

It is Piano Tuner Academy’s prerogative to change start dates should any unforeseen issues occur.
In the rare event that the Academy must close for a day due to internal or property related issues then additional course days will be added to the course.

There is no VAT added to the course fee.

If you have any further queries please contact Piano Tuner Academy on

07811 683 790

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